
All the modules are made for encryption/decryption/attacking various cryptographic algorithms or encodings.

You can find here any other modules with additional functionality related to cryptography.

In fact, it is a big library of cryptograhic tools, you don't need in a big folder with gigabytes of cryptographic tools. Everything you need can be found here.

Cryptosploit aims to be a tool to automate a lot of routine work with various scripts.

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  0from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
  1from dataclasses import dataclass
  2from json import load
  3from os import environ
  4from os.path import dirname, join, exists, isfile
  5from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
  6from sys import modules, stdin
  7from tabulate import tabulate
  9from cryptosploit.cprint import Printer, colorize_strings, SGR
 10from cryptosploit.exceptions import ModuleError, ArgError
 14class Variable:
 15    value: str = ""
 16    description: str = ""
 19class Environment:
 20    """Class for working with module variables."""
 22    def __init__(self, config_path):
 23        self.__vars = dict()
 24        self.__load_config(config_path)
 26    def __str__(self):
 27        headers = [
 28            colorize_strings(
 29                "Name", fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.CYAN, styles=[SGR.STYLES.BOLD]
 30            ),
 31            colorize_strings(
 32                "Value", fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.CYAN, styles=[SGR.STYLES.BOLD]
 33            ),
 34            colorize_strings(
 35                "Description", fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.CYAN, styles=[SGR.STYLES.BOLD]
 36            ),
 37        ]
 38        items = [
 39            [
 40                colorize_strings(name, fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.YELLOW),
 41                colorize_strings(
 42                    "' '"
 43                    if var.value == " "
 44                    else var.value
 45                    if len(var.value) <= 30
 46                    else var.value[:30] + "...",
 47                    fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.YELLOW,
 48                ),
 49                colorize_strings(
 50                    *var.description.split("\n"),
 51                    fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.YELLOW,
 52                    sep="\n",
 53                ),
 54            ]
 55            for name, var in self.__vars.items()
 56        ]
 57        return tabulate(items, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid")
 59    def __contains__(self, item):
 60        return item in self.__vars
 62    def __iter__(self):
 63        return iter(self.__vars.keys())
 65    @staticmethod
 66    def check_var(name: str, value: str) -> tuple[bool, str]:
 67        isvalid_var: bool = True
 68        error_message: str = ""
 69        return isvalid_var, error_message
 71    def get_var(self, name) -> Variable:
 72        """Getting a module-defined variable"""
 73        if name in self.__vars:
 74            return self.__vars[name]
 75        raise ArgError("No such variable")
 77    def set_var(self, name: str, value: str) -> None:
 78        """Setting a module-defined variable"""
 79        if name in self.__vars:
 80            isvalid, error_msg = self.check_var(name, value)
 81            if isvalid:
 82                self.__vars[name].value = value
 83            else:
 84                raise ArgError(error_msg)
 85        else:
 86            raise ArgError("No such variable")
 88    def __load_config(self, config_path):
 89        with open(config_path) as f:
 90            for name, params in load(f).items():
 91                self.__vars[name] = Variable(**params)
 94class BaseModule(metaclass=ABCMeta):
 95    def __init__(self):
 96        self.path = modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__
 97        self.env = self.__load()
 98        self.proc: Popen | None = None
100    @staticmethod
101    def check_file(filename) -> tuple[bool, str]:
102        """Check existence of file"""
103        if isfile(filename):
104            return True, ""
105        return False, "Not a file"
107    def kill_proc(self):
108        if self.proc:
109            self.proc.terminate()
110            self.proc.kill()
111            self.proc = None
113    def command_exec(self, command, env=dict()) -> None:
114        """Print output of executed shell command to console"""
115        Printer.exec(f"Executing '{command}'")
116        self.proc = Popen(
117            command,
118            stderr=PIPE,
119            stdin=stdin,
120            shell=True,
121            universal_newlines=True,
122            env=dict(**environ, **env),
123        )
124        for line in iter(self.proc.stderr.readline, ""):
125            print(line, "\n")
126        self.proc.stderr.close()
128    def __load(self) -> Environment:
129        """Load config with module variables"""
130        directory = dirname(self.path)
131        config_path = join(directory, "config.json")
132        if exists(config_path):
133            env = Environment(config_path)
134            return env
135        raise ModuleError(f"No such file: {config_path}")
137    @abstractmethod
138    def run(self) -> None:
139        """
140        Required to be overridden in the child class.
141        Function called by the user
142        """
class Variable:
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15class Variable:
16    value: str = ""
17    description: str = ""

Variable(value: str = '', description: str = '')

#   Variable(value: str = '', description: str = '')
#   value: str = ''
#   description: str = ''
#   class Environment:
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20class Environment:
21    """Class for working with module variables."""
23    def __init__(self, config_path):
24        self.__vars = dict()
25        self.__load_config(config_path)
27    def __str__(self):
28        headers = [
29            colorize_strings(
30                "Name", fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.CYAN, styles=[SGR.STYLES.BOLD]
31            ),
32            colorize_strings(
33                "Value", fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.CYAN, styles=[SGR.STYLES.BOLD]
34            ),
35            colorize_strings(
36                "Description", fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.CYAN, styles=[SGR.STYLES.BOLD]
37            ),
38        ]
39        items = [
40            [
41                colorize_strings(name, fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.YELLOW),
42                colorize_strings(
43                    "' '"
44                    if var.value == " "
45                    else var.value
46                    if len(var.value) <= 30
47                    else var.value[:30] + "...",
48                    fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.YELLOW,
49                ),
50                colorize_strings(
51                    *var.description.split("\n"),
52                    fg=SGR.COLOR.FOREGROUND.YELLOW,
53                    sep="\n",
54                ),
55            ]
56            for name, var in self.__vars.items()
57        ]
58        return tabulate(items, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid")
60    def __contains__(self, item):
61        return item in self.__vars
63    def __iter__(self):
64        return iter(self.__vars.keys())
66    @staticmethod
67    def check_var(name: str, value: str) -> tuple[bool, str]:
68        isvalid_var: bool = True
69        error_message: str = ""
70        return isvalid_var, error_message
72    def get_var(self, name) -> Variable:
73        """Getting a module-defined variable"""
74        if name in self.__vars:
75            return self.__vars[name]
76        raise ArgError("No such variable")
78    def set_var(self, name: str, value: str) -> None:
79        """Setting a module-defined variable"""
80        if name in self.__vars:
81            isvalid, error_msg = self.check_var(name, value)
82            if isvalid:
83                self.__vars[name].value = value
84            else:
85                raise ArgError(error_msg)
86        else:
87            raise ArgError("No such variable")
89    def __load_config(self, config_path):
90        with open(config_path) as f:
91            for name, params in load(f).items():
92                self.__vars[name] = Variable(**params)

Class for working with module variables.

#   Environment(config_path)
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23    def __init__(self, config_path):
24        self.__vars = dict()
25        self.__load_config(config_path)
def check_var(name: str, value: str) -> tuple[bool, str]:
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66    @staticmethod
67    def check_var(name: str, value: str) -> tuple[bool, str]:
68        isvalid_var: bool = True
69        error_message: str = ""
70        return isvalid_var, error_message
#   def get_var(self, name) -> cryptosploit_modules.Variable:
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72    def get_var(self, name) -> Variable:
73        """Getting a module-defined variable"""
74        if name in self.__vars:
75            return self.__vars[name]
76        raise ArgError("No such variable")

Getting a module-defined variable

#   def set_var(self, name: str, value: str) -> None:
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78    def set_var(self, name: str, value: str) -> None:
79        """Setting a module-defined variable"""
80        if name in self.__vars:
81            isvalid, error_msg = self.check_var(name, value)
82            if isvalid:
83                self.__vars[name].value = value
84            else:
85                raise ArgError(error_msg)
86        else:
87            raise ArgError("No such variable")

Setting a module-defined variable

#   class BaseModule:
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 95class BaseModule(metaclass=ABCMeta):
 96    def __init__(self):
 97        self.path = modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__
 98        self.env = self.__load()
 99        self.proc: Popen | None = None
101    @staticmethod
102    def check_file(filename) -> tuple[bool, str]:
103        """Check existence of file"""
104        if isfile(filename):
105            return True, ""
106        return False, "Not a file"
108    def kill_proc(self):
109        if self.proc:
110            self.proc.terminate()
111            self.proc.kill()
112            self.proc = None
114    def command_exec(self, command, env=dict()) -> None:
115        """Print output of executed shell command to console"""
116        Printer.exec(f"Executing '{command}'")
117        self.proc = Popen(
118            command,
119            stderr=PIPE,
120            stdin=stdin,
121            shell=True,
122            universal_newlines=True,
123            env=dict(**environ, **env),
124        )
125        for line in iter(self.proc.stderr.readline, ""):
126            print(line, "\n")
127        self.proc.stderr.close()
129    def __load(self) -> Environment:
130        """Load config with module variables"""
131        directory = dirname(self.path)
132        config_path = join(directory, "config.json")
133        if exists(config_path):
134            env = Environment(config_path)
135            return env
136        raise ModuleError(f"No such file: {config_path}")
138    @abstractmethod
139    def run(self) -> None:
140        """
141        Required to be overridden in the child class.
142        Function called by the user
143        """
def check_file(filename) -> tuple[bool, str]:
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101    @staticmethod
102    def check_file(filename) -> tuple[bool, str]:
103        """Check existence of file"""
104        if isfile(filename):
105            return True, ""
106        return False, "Not a file"

Check existence of file

#   def kill_proc(self):
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108    def kill_proc(self):
109        if self.proc:
110            self.proc.terminate()
111            self.proc.kill()
112            self.proc = None
#   def command_exec(self, command, env={}) -> None:
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114    def command_exec(self, command, env=dict()) -> None:
115        """Print output of executed shell command to console"""
116        Printer.exec(f"Executing '{command}'")
117        self.proc = Popen(
118            command,
119            stderr=PIPE,
120            stdin=stdin,
121            shell=True,
122            universal_newlines=True,
123            env=dict(**environ, **env),
124        )
125        for line in iter(self.proc.stderr.readline, ""):
126            print(line, "\n")
127        self.proc.stderr.close()

Print output of executed shell command to console

def run(self) -> None:
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138    @abstractmethod
139    def run(self) -> None:
140        """
141        Required to be overridden in the child class.
142        Function called by the user
143        """

Required to be overridden in the child class. Function called by the user